
The life of mortals is like grass,
    they flourish like a flower of the field;
the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.
Psalm 103

I stand at the edge of the grave, looking down at the coffin. I know the words of comfort and the Christian arguments for the Resurrection of the dead, but I can’t help but wonder about where the person is now, if there is a reality to my beliefs or if it is mere arguments within my head. As an ordained minister within the Church of England, I had to grapple with the reality of my belief and ultimately ask the question – does God really exist? During this dark night of the soul, I decided to move from my parish in Cheshire to St Andrews in Scotland. I found that over four years, I searched for the reality of transcendence in a disenchanted world. I discovered the reality of that one true God in the landscapes and seascapes of Scotland, specifically through those who painted them. I wrote a book called – ‘In Search of Transcendence’ – which I would like to publish.

While searching and studying in St Andrews, I was very much drawn to relics of the ancient medieval Cathedral, its story, and its role within medieval ecclesiastical history. I would walk through the ruins daily in prayer and contemplation, visualising the medieval pilgrims as they approached the High Alter and the reliquary that contained the bones of St Andrew, disciple of Jesus and patron of Scotland. What stood out within my heart and mind was a discovery at a local fishing village called Saint Monans of a pilgrim badge shaped like a scallop shell. Asking questions at the local museum, they explained that many pilgrims journeyed between Santiago de Compostela and St Andrews during the medieval period, which blew my mind. With this tiny seed of information, the idea of conducting a pilgrimage between the site where St. James is buried and where St Andrews was buried began to grow in my thoughts – so now the KRISTOS pilgrimage is born.

I am very much hoping that you can support me in any way possible with this journey of discovery. If you would like to pre-order the book I intend to publish, please press the link below.  All money made on the publication will go towards supporting the nominated charity – CYCLE FOR AFRICA. We will be conducting daily prayers which you can follow using the link and we will produce a daily blog - all starting July 2025.

With thanks

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Our Daily Blog begins - July 2025